58 supported bills and 32 opposed bills in current legislative sessions.
Universal Daylighting
No more suspension of street sweeping
Who pays for the landlords broker?
transparency for co-ops
As written this would require tens of thousands of street signs. 100ft is not far and there are many streets where no standing is implied where this would require thousands of signs. This subsidizes drivers parking by making it more expensive to support their free parking.
resurfacing timeline
Weakens Local Law 97
no more ASP
cap citibike fees
we don’t need more restrictions on when street sweepers can clean the curb
universal daylighting
Demand based meter rates would ensure curbside availability - we don’t need to issue get-out-of-jail-free so certain classes of people have no incentive to park legally
Studies show that requiring helmet use discourages cycling activity
The right to protest is sacred